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COP29: Train The Trainer Programme

The United Nations SDG 16 Impact Hub at DMU is hosting a dynamic and creative programme of engagement activities linked to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) up to and including COP29 in Baku, Azerbaijan: 11th– 22nd November 2024.

The Parallel Lives Network is delivering a number of engagement activities to compliment the wider programme. Our focus will be on empowering students through a series of Train the Trainer sessions, aimed at creating Community Champions who will cascade their skills and knowledge within their networks.

The programmes will culminate in a mini environmental COP29 EXPO, where newly trained Community Champions will deliver workshops to students from local school pupils.

Train the Trainer Programme Schedule:

1. Period Poverty and Menstruation Awareness

Overview: Workshop to normalise menstruation conversations.

Activities: Menstrual health education, sustainable menstrual product usage, and addressing period poverty in communities.

2. Mental Health and Wellbeing

Overview: Engaging activities and discussions promoting mental health.

Activities: Stress management techniques, normalising the conversation activities, and creating supportive community environments.

3. Eco Steps

Overview: Introduction to simple, impactful environmental actions.

Activities: Sustainable living practices, DIY eco-friendly products, and benefits for mental health and well-being.

Each session will include hands-on activities, group discussions, and role-playing exercises.

ALL participants will receive training materials, and resources to support their future workshops.