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Network Member Profile: SDG16 Academic Impact Hub

We are always striving to identify new Members that can contribute knowledge to share with ALL our Network Members.

So we are pleased to announce that Mark Charlton – Associate Director of Sustainable Development Goal Impact/Net Zero Research Theme Director at De Montfort University, has joined the Parallel Lives Network representing the United Nations Academic Impact Initiative Global Academic Hub for SDG 16.

The SDGs were introduced by the United Nations in 2010 with the aim of improving the lives of millions of people by 2030.

The United Nations Academic Impact asked 17 universities across the world to become global hubs for the SDGs.

De Montfort University is the global academic hub for SDG 16 and the promotion of peace, justice and strong institutions.

As DMU is the only university in Britain to be granted the accolade, it is a huge honour but it is also a massive responsibility, not least because SDG 16 is the goal that effectively allows all the other goals to flourish.

If there is no peace, justice and strong institutions then there is little chance of eliminating poverty, having good health, decent economic prosperity, reducing inequalities and tackling climate change.

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