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Newsday Focused On Network Member WACIT

We supported our Network Member WACIT (World Awareness for Children in Trauma) to host an 8-hour Newsday to showcase media content collected over the last few months.

The following four WACIT members participated in the Newsday that took place on World Photography Day 19th August 2021:

Participants from each organisation had been busy collecting content that told their story in a 2-hour section of the Newsday.

You can watch the ‘live’ sessions on the Documentary Media Centre Facebook Page – links below:

WACIT World Photography Day Newsroom – Kenya

WACIT World Photography Day Newsroom – South Africa

WACIT World Photography Day Newsroom – Brazil

WACIT World Photography Day Newsroom – Youth Advisory Board

WACIT World Photography Day Newsroom – Pakistan

More details about WACIT can be found on their website: